Diagnosed with hip arthritis - pain-free with trampolin excercises

Diagnosed with hip arthritis - pain-free with trampolin excercises

The hip is the second most common joint affected by arthritis, the first being the knee. Many factors can contribute to hip arthritis, but one symptom is always the same: pain. Though body exercise is the best way to counteract the effects of arthritis, many people living with arthritis find it difficult to perform. Fortunately, there are effective ways to combat arthritis.

How mini-trampoline exercise helps with joint problems

You can take steps to reduce the strain on your joints, which can help prevent or reduce the effects of joint diseases such as hip arthritis. If you already have arthritis, it's important to exercise regularly to keep your joints flexible.
  • Be careful not to overly stress your hip joints, which can happen when carrying heavy loads.
  • Avoid climbing lots of stairs or mountain climbing.
  • Being very overweight affects your joints by putting additional strain on them. Maintaining a healthy body weight helps to reduce pressure on joints.
  • Proper footwear is essential for your hips when walking. Flip-flops and the like may look good, but they don't offer the cushioning of more supportive shoes and can cause pain for people with hip arthritis.
  • Choose hip-friendly workouts that don't overload your joints. The bellicon is a good option because of its extremely gentle bounces and pliable jumping surface.

Using an exercise trampoline with joint problems in the hip?

If you suffer from hip arthritis, the bellicon mini-trampoline can help in multiple ways. Here are just five:
  1. It can counteract or prevent the loss of mobility by providing a workout that's truly effective, convenient, and fun.
  2. It's easy on the joints thanks to its pliable jumping surface and unique, ultra-elastic bungee suspension.
  3. As little as 10 minutes of bouncing a day can provide excellent cardiovascular benefits and increase the strength of muscles involved with hip support and alignment.
  4. Hand support bars are available for people with stability issues, providing extra security while bouncing or getting on or off the bellicon.
  5. Targeted exercises for osteoarthritis can be enhanced by the bellicon's gentle, effective performance, helping to reduce pain and cartilage degradation.

Training tips for efficient workouts

  1. Stretch for greater mobility
    We recommend stretching after trampoline training to relax muscles and reduce lactic acid buildup. Pay special attention to muscle groups affecting the hip, such as the quadriceps, calf muscles, and hip flexors.
  2. This training companion can give you confidence
    Would you like extra support when using the bellicon mini-trampoline? We offer side support handles that provide secure hand grips when bouncing, adding an extra level of security, particularly for anyone with stability issues.
  3. How to dismount from the bellicon
    Descend backward from the bellicon, gently, one foot at a time, to avoid overloading your knees and joints after a workout. You can even use this dismount as a knee flexor exercise by descending as slowly as possible.
  4. Muscle building with the trampoline if you use a prosthesis
    Please notice that exercise choices should always be discussed with your doctor or health professional if you have preexisting health conditions.In most cases, targeted training works well with a mini-trampoline, but be sure to start slowly and gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts over time, giving your body a chance to adapt to this unique form of exercise. - If extra stability is needed, use our hand support bar accessory.
  5. Use caution when beginning training
    Build up your training on the bellicon step by step. Start with short, easy workouts, where your feet never leave the mat while bouncing, and slowly increase the duration and intensity of your workouts over time. - If you have arthritis, you may experience slight discomfort during the training, particularly at first. This can be normal, but if the discomfort persists for two hours after the workout, we recommend reducing the intensity or duration of your workout.
  6. Stability training that’s easy on your joints
    Thanks to our unique, ultra-elastic bungee suspension, exercising on the bellicon is very gentle on joints throughout the body. The best way to begin training is with small bounces where your feet never leave the mat. Once you’ve grown confident with bouncing, try bouncing with one foot in front of the other, in a ‘stepping’ posture, and then do the same with the alternate leg in front. This will help to improve balance and joint stability. To strengthen muscles surrounding joints, perform gentle exercises for more prolonged periods instead of increasing intensity.
Woman standing on mini-trampoline being guided by man next to her during exercise.

What causes arthritis?

Various factors can contribute to the development of hip arthritis, such as body alignment issues, genetic predisposition, or injuries. Hip arthritis is a chronic joint disease that can cause progressive wear on the joints, pain, and loss of mobility. In addition to age and a family predisposition, overloading of the hip joint or being overweight can also be contributing factors. In the course of hip arthritis, the balance between cartilage formation and cartilage degradation can be disturbed, leading to a progressive loss of cartilage. Furthermore, inflammation of the synovial membrane can occur, which can become noticeable, for example, through swelling. In the final stage, the cartilage degrades to such an extent that the ends of the bones connected to the joint are exposed and rub against each other painfully (also called cartilage baldness).
Arthritis and arthrosis - how are they different?
Arthrosis and arthritis not only sound similar, they also share similar symptoms. Both diseases affect ligaments, tendons, and bones, leading to severe pain and restricted movement. Arthritis, however, is the generic term that describes many conditions that cause inflammation in joints. In some cases, the inflammation can also affect your skin, muscles, and organs. Arthrosis refers to the wear and tear of the joint cartilage, which, unlike arthritis, does not always have to occur inflammation of the joint.

Learn more about arthrosis

Movement may hurt - even though it may be what helps

With hip arthritis, the symptoms may occur only occasionally at first, e.g., after walking for a long time, heavy lifting, or after playing sports. However, pain and stiffness after long rest periods are also common. People living with hip arthritis may also exhibit a limp, particularly after long periods of walking, such as a 'Duchenne limp' or 'Trendelenburg gait', or display a 'hollow back', all of which are body alignment issues. As the condition progresses, periods without symptoms become less frequent, and increased bouts of pain and stiffness can impair movement and quality of life.


Fortunately, a diagnosis of arthritis doesn't mean that you can do nothing to combat it or reduce the symptoms. Likewise, having arthritis doesn't mean you have to live with pain, stiff joints, or wear a prosthesis. Exercising on the bellicon mini-trampoline can provide a very effective, ultra-low-impact workout that's easy on your joints while strengthening the muscles that support them. When used with gentle bounces, it's an excellent source of relaxation and mindfulness exercises. For those who want a more challenging workout, it can also provide an exceptional full-body cardio training. All in the comfort of your home. Try it yourself, and experience all the bellicon can do for you!

Exercising with hip arthritis and a mini-trampoline

Discover the amazing benefits of exercising on the bellicon - pain-free, gentle on the joints, fun, effective cardio-boosting workouts at home