Mobility refers to the ability to move your joints in their full range of motion through a combination of strength and flexibility. Mobility is an important factor for our health, because improved mobility can prevent pain and injuries and even improve muscle performance. Muscle groups that are regularly contracted, such as muscles in our forearms, calves or chest, can be loosened by mobility stretches.
Fascia stretching exercises help improve the flexibility of our muscles and exercise our fascia. Healthy fascia help your muscles remain strong. Fascia is a form of connective tissue. This tissue is a continuous network that protects bones, muscles, organs and nerves and helps maintain our physical shape. In this way, the fascia is like an invisible second skin. It’s not actually a part of our skin, but it connects muscles, tissues and ligaments to thousands of different contact points. From head to toe, fascia is everywhere. Fascia exercises are now being used in amateur and professional athletics, as well as in a wide range of gyms. Fascia rolling can loosen collagen fibers, avoid tissue sticking together and increase the water-binding capacity of tissue.
Tense and contracted muscles can give you the feeling of being trapped in your own body. Different exercises on our mini-trampoline allow you to test and expand your limits. Don’t let a loss of mobility limit you.